Where to get rpg in gta 4
Have you ever seen a big and powerful gun in your life? And you will not! It is for you only in this game. With this gun you are automatically transpo File uploaded by: DeVidSonHoli. Project Manager - Evgeny Sokolov. Designer - Dmitry Ashmarin. In case of copying materials reference on LibertyCity.
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User Info: InfernoSD. It's right on the middle counter. Pretty hard to miss. Might've been that it doesn't unlock until you've completed the storyline. The RPG is right in front of you when you get into the Weapons shop. Found it! Do you like this video? Play Sound. Very effective for taking down vehicles or large groups of assailants. Banned for civilian use. Have been appearing on the streets of Vice City for the past couples of years, Present extreme danger for public order.
I thought we sold all of these things to corrupt dictators and people fighting the Russians? It doesn't matter what you target: Point this steel finger of destruction at it, and witness its obliteration. Grand Theft Auto IV. Grand Theft Auto V. Claude Speed using a Rocket Launcher. Carl Johnson with a Rocket Launcher. Mike with a Rocket Launcher. Victor Vance with a Rocket Launcher. Niko Bellic using the Rocket Launcher. Trevor Philips holding a Rocket Launcher.
Franklin Clinton with a Rocket Launcher. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City , 10th anniversary edition. Instant Vehicle Bomb ElectroBaton. Fist Baseball Bat. Flamethrower Rocket Launcher. Car Bomb Grenades Molotov Cocktail. Fist Brass Knuckles. Camera Detonator Car Bomb. AK M4. Fire Extinguisher Spray Can Camera. Cane Dildo Flowers Vibrator. Baseball Bat Fist Katana. Assault Rifle Pistol Shotgun Uzi. Flamethrower Minigun Rocket Launcher. Car Bomb Grenades Molotov. Molotov Grenade Remote Grenade.
Camera Car Bomb Detonator. Tear Gas Silver Colt