How long earthquake japan
Aftershocks after a large earthquake can continue over a period of many years. Aftershocks have continued to hit the region since. The quake caused nearly one million homes to lose power while a smaller number lost water. Train services have been halted. It also triggered landslides, with one burying a motorsport complex. But there were no reports of irregularities at nuclear plants.
We have received reports that Onagawa nuclear plant and Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant are not showing any abnormality," Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said. Despite reassurances from officials, many residents on the coast evacuated their homes and headed for higher ground, Japanese news agency Kyodo reports. Buildings shake as quake hits Japan's east coast. Fukushima's long road to recovery. The tsunami caused a cooling system failure at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant , which resulted in a level-7 nuclear meltdown and release of radioactive materials.
The electrical power and backup generators were overwhelmed by the tsunami, and the plant lost its cooling capabilities. The earthquake was not a factor," Titov said.
Very low levels of radioactive chemicals that leaked from Fukushima have been detected along the North American coast offshore Canada and California. Trace amounts of cesium and cesium radioactive isotopes were found in seawater collected in and In the tsunami's aftermath, Japan's Meteorological Agency was criticized for issuing an initial tsunami warning that underestimated the size of the wave.
The country recently unveiled a newly installed, upgraded tsunami warning system. In some regions, such as Miyagi and Fukushima, only 58 percent of people headed for higher ground immediately after the earthquake, according to a Japanese government study published in August Many people also underestimated their personal risk , or assumed the tsunami would be as small as ones they had previously experienced, the study found.
Scientists from around the world descended on Japan following the earthquake and tsunami. Researchers sailed offshore and dropped sensors along the fault line to measure the forces that caused the earthquake.
Teams studied the tsunami deposits to better understand ancient sediment records of the deadly waves. Earthquake engineers examined the damage, looking for ways to build buildings more resistant to quakes and tsunamis. Studies are ongoing today. The tsunami waves also traveled across the Pacific, reaching Alaska, Hawaii and Chile. In Chile, some 11, miles 17, km distant, the tsunami was 6.
The surge of water carried an estimated 5 million tons of debris out to sea, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency has reported. Japanese docks and ships, and countless household items, have arrived on U. The U. The ship started its journey in Hokkaido. Follow Becky Oskin beckyoskin. In Miyagi Prefecture, where at least one person was injured, the quake measured up to a strong 5 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale to 7.
The epicenter of the earthquake that occurred on March 20 at p. The Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami advisory for Miyagi following the quake, though it was lifted at p. Some sea level changes may be observed, but no material damage is expected, the agency said.
Due to the tsunami advisory, the town of Watari in the prefecture issued an evacuation order covering 2, homes and 6, residents. The quake caused the Tohoku Shinkansen and other rail lines to suspend services. Services were expected to resume around 10 p. In Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, where the quake registered a lower 5, the city has opened evacuation centers at 69 locations.