How much host club
Email required Address never made public. Name required. Close Menu Overlay. Follow Following. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. But I am kind of too scared. I can talk smalltalk, and a little bit further, but I have met some Hosts, which could speak a little bit English, it was enough to talk in a mix of japanese and english.
My friends do not really talk japanese, so I guess it would be difficult wouldn't it? I have heard that hosts would be really expensive! And that they try to make you drink much so that you'll pay more! I have seen the movie "The Great Happiness Space" too. There was told that some costumers would have to pay some thousands of dollars for one visit! Well, the hosts I met on the street told me 1 hour yen and nomihoudai.
Is that true? Can I go for that and come out with only paying yen? I've done that several times. But if you go to the same club again without a flyer , they will charge you more. So keep changing clubs, and never go without a flyer. When a new host greets you, first he hands you a heated moist towelette.
They then thank you and move on graciously to make way for the next host. At the end of the hour, all of the hosts we had chatted to came before us in a line. Then, the manager asked us to choose our favourite host from those we had spent time with.
This seemed incredibly cruel and cutthroat to me. Once we had chosen our favourites, we had to point them out to the manager and then exchange our LINE details with them. The hosts found in Japanese host clubs are usually very feminine-looking.
Many of them wear make-up to contour their faces and coloured contact lenses. Most also have long hair in varying colours to make themselves appear more Western or look like anime characters. They are generally aged , although I have met older hosts in their 40s too. To hand out moist towels, pour drinks, light the cigarettes of any customers that may smoke, and give their undying attention to the women visiting their club.
Sato had been drinking beer. Generally speaking, though, hosts and hostesses only drink what the customer buys for them, and otherwise just sip tea. Sato started feeling a little bad about the beverage imbalance, and so he offered to buy Yuya, as well as any other hosts who joined them, something. Sato: Huh. Have you ever thought about giving it a go? At this point, Mr. Sato took a look at his watch and saw that it was about Well, except Sundays, when the club is closed, or if someone takes a day off.
Sato: Wha-?