What is the average age of those seeking ivf

The reason the average birth rate is lower in later cycles is related to the average patient age, as older patients have lower birth rates and therefore require more cycles see section 1.

Figure 2. Download the underlying data for Figure 2 as. If you require the data for Figure 2 in an alternative accessible format, please email comms hfea. Birth rates decrease with age where patients use their own eggs in treatment.

Download the underlying data for Figure 3 as. If you require the data for Figure 3 in an alternative accessible format, please email comms hfea. Of all patients undergoing IVF treatment in , While accounting for less than 5. Download the underlying data for Figure 4 as. If you require the data for Figure 4 in an alternative accessible format, please email comms hfea. Multiple births are the biggest single health risk from IVF to mothers and babies.

Figure 5. It excludes cycles where pregnancy was recorded but not outcome. Download the underlying data for Figure 5 as. If you require the data for Figure 5 in an alternative accessible format, please email comms hfea. For each patient, the risk of a multiple birth is determined by the number of embryos put back and whether donor eggs were used.

Our figures show that putting more than one embryo back has no significant impact on the chance of a live birth but can considerably increase the risk of a multiple birth. The decision to transfer more than one embryo at a time should also consider the egg source.

When two embryos were transferred, a year-old patient using donor eggs had almost the same multiple birth risk as a year-old using their own eggs. Given that fertility clinics do not accept donated eggs from women older than 35, Fertility Network UK is concerned to see that in the majority of women freezing their own eggs 68 per cent were over Are women being informed correctly about the optimum age to freeze their eggs?

It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Newsletters Donate My Account. Research Topics. That state had the highest share of births involving assisted reproductive technology in , at 4. Share this link:. IVF is the most common fertility treatment used when the fallopian tubes are severely damaged or absent, or there is unexplained or male-factor infertility. Due to its high success rate, IVF has been used more frequently in recent years as a first line of therapy for all causes of infertility.

The Penn Fertility Care team provides compassionate care for individuals and couples looking to start a family, including patient-centered plans tailored to individual needs. Assisted reproductive technologies include IVF or the use of an egg donor, sperm donor or adopted embryo. This is in part because women have a lower chance of getting pregnant from IVF after age 35, and in part because there is a higher risk of miscarriage as women age, especially for those older than


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