Where is hanukkah celebrated around the world

In fact, many overlooked holidays such as Sukkot, the celebration of the harvest, and Rosh Chodesh, the celebration of every new month, are far more meaningful in terms of tradition and religious value. However, due to its chronological proximity to Christmas, Hanukkah has become a widely celebrated holiday.

It marks the anniversary of the Maccabean revolt to reclaim the temple of Jerusalem. Miraculously, the small flask they had left over lasted eight full days and nights - just long enough to prepare a fresh supply of pure oil.

In honor of this classic story, Jews light much smaller menorahs on Hanukkah for eight consecutive nights. According to tradition, the women of the house must rest until the candles have been burning for a half-hour - or, for more traditional families, until the flame burns out. It marks the anniversary of the Maccabean revolt to reclaim the temple of Jerusalem. In the famous tale, the Maccabees did not have enough purified oil to light the temple's grand lanterns for celebration. Miraculously, the small flask they had left over lasted eight full days and nights - just long enough to prepare a fresh supply of pure oil.

In honor of this classic story, Jews light much smaller menorahs on Hanukkah for eight consecutive nights. According to tradition, the women of the house must rest until the candles have been burning for a half-hour - or, for more traditional families, until the flame burns out.

Get there early to sink your teeth into one of the thousands of free donuts being given out. Even if you miss the first night festivities, the Trafalgar Square menorah will shine bright for all 8 nights. Chattanooga, Tennessee throws one of the coolest Hanukkah celebrations.

Follow the festive car menorah parade to the Ice On The Landing outdoor ice skating rink. Then gather around to watch the lighting of a gigantic menorah carved from ice.

As the candles glow, make a few dreidel-like spins on the rink before you chow down on latkes and donuts. You can stay near the holiday celebration by booking a room at the Chattanooga Choo Choo historic hotel.

Spend a night in a converted s train car at this famous former train station for a truly unique Hanukkah vacation. Although you may not expect it, Jews have been celebrating Hanukkah in India for over 2, years. A small Jewish community still thrives in Mumbai and every year they light a huge menorah in front of the iconic Gateway of India, close to the Taj Mahal Palace hotel. Just like the Hanukkah story, Jews in India traditionally light 8 oil lamps instead of a candles.

This is a fantastic way to build community and to celebrate the holiday with family and friends. In Spanish, Hanukkah is known as Januca or Lucenarias — the feast of lights. Mexican children play a game called toma tod o winner takes all , which is similar to the version of dreidel that we play except the top has six sides instead of four.

The toma toda dreidel is known as a pirinola. Although Jews no longer live in Kurdistan, many Kurdish Jews still observe two unusual Hanukkah customs. Their parents must give them coins in order to gain entry. They used eggshells as cups for wicks and oil, lighting the required number of cracked shells every night. Be creative and find other ways to repurpose everyday objects as a sign of light and hope on Hanukkah!

Then, they would make a giant bonfire, dancing and singing around it, and jumping and leaping over it. It was believed that jumping over the fire could bring good luck.


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