Arkham asylum where is the warden office

Saint Aaron Offline. Languages: English. Guide Index. In the Wardens room. Once you enter the wardens room you should see this.. Turn left If you turn on detective mode nothing will appear Place 3 gels in the center. The secret room. THe map is shown on a board and their are documents that contains some new villians. Rate this and share!! KratosSlow 8 Jan am. It is way too difficult to find it out yourself.

Thanks man! Mary Virgin 1 Jan am. See that wall in Detective Mode you see the wall in 3 parts with a dark border marking the almost separate wall sections.

Place 3 Explosive Gel on the cenrtral section border to border seen. It will explode. North assured Sharp that every guard was on duty and present at Arkham. Sharp obviously had his doubts, however, as he eyed North seriously, and flatly told him: "I hope it's enough, Officer North, for your sake. He tried to assure Batman that Joker would change, and said: "Don't worry, Batman. The next time you see this reprobate, he'll be a changed man.

I've got Dr. Young working on a cure as we speak. Shortly after, the Joker's men invaded the heavily-guarded Arkham East, killed the security guards on duty, and secured the Arkham Mansion and the Botanical Gardens. Penelope Young to her office. Upon overpowering the two guards after Young's escape, the clowns contacted Harley Quinn about coming to the mansion grounds to torture Dr.

Young's whereabouts out of Cash and Franklin. Batman rescued the two guards, although not before Harley Quinn had started for the mansion, with a captive Sharp in tow.

Harley made her way through Arkham East to the Arkham Mansion with Warden Sharp where they came across Batman, stunned on the floor after a large explosion in Sharp's Office that was triggered by Dr. Young's attempt to retrieve his security codes. Harley removed the duct tape over Sharp's mouth before she smashed him over the head with his own cane. Harley took Sharp to the Penitentiary where she forced him to read a variety of ridiculous and outrageous statements over Arkham's intercom system, and stuck him with an electrified stun baton as he refused: "All Arkham guards must now immediately unload their weapons.

I recommend Sharp watched in horror as a security monitor showed Harley Quinn free Poison Ivy, and the Joker setting loose all the more high risk Arkham mental patients all over the island. Batman freed the Warden, and received part of Arkham's security clearance codes, which allowed him to bypass previously inaccessible areas. Batman told the Warden to stay put while he went after Harley, and the Warden locked the door behind him. Sharp eventually used a rusty nail and his own blood to write his last chronicle, addressed directly to Batman himself.

Then he escaped the Penitentiary and vanished into the chaos. Unknown to Sharp, Clayface watched him leave in idle curiosity.

Upon deducing the identity of the so-called Spirit of Amadeus Arkham, and reading the message left in the Security Control Room at the Penitentiary, Batman returned to the Arkham Mansion and discovered a secret chamber within Sharp's Office. On the far left wall inside was a detailed blueprint of Gotham City where Sharp had issued a proposal to the city official to buy up a large portion of Gotham's slums and wall them off with reinforced barriers, and create Arkham City , the new prison for both the Blackgate prisoners and Arkham patients alike.

Seen as a hero, Sharp was able to use the fame to easily win his election for Mayor. Now in complete power and control, one of Sharp's first courses of action was to implement the Arkham City plan that he had formulated, and placed the relatively unknown psychiatrist, Hugo Strange in charge. Unlike Blackgate and Arkham Asylum, Arkham City was an anarchic prison where the inmates were not kept in cells and were given free reign, the only rule being that escape attempts would not be tolerated.

The penalty for breaking this rule was death, a punishment that Sharp entrusted with TYGER , an organization of mercenaries he had hired to patrol the borders, to carry out. While this seemed to be Sharp's way of keeping the inmates where they belonged, Sharp's murderous tendencies may have hinted at a much more insidious motive. Knowing that putting every criminal and super-villain in one place would lead to war and rivalry among them, Sharp may have been using Arkham City to incite a war among the criminals in order to have them wipe each other out.

Sharp being interrogated by Batman for information on Hugo Strange and how he was involved in Arkham City. By that point, the combination of schizophrenia and Strange's mind warping serums had taken their toll. Sharp's delicate psyche had become so sensitive, that he had to be instructed by Strange to do even the most basic tasks like 'go to bed' or 'hang up the phone', and to do his job, and he needed constant morale boosting speeches.

At some point, Sharp also broke the mental hold, and tried to trace the source of Strange's funding. However, he was caught rummaging through the files.

Realizing that his puppet was no longer useful and could not be trusted any more, Strange had the Mayor kidnapped and thrown into his own prison city. Loudspeakers blaring, Strange told the prisoners to welcome their newest inmate. Batman hurried to the entrance of Arkham City, where a welcoming committee of five of Two-Face's Henchmen were beating Sharp to a pulp.

After saving Sharp, however, Batman was shown to be no less ruthless, hung him off the ledge of a building, and demanded to know who funded Arkham City.

Sharp explained that he had been manipulated by Strange since his time at Arkham Asylum. Sorry, the main hall with that big statue; the second room in the mansion.

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