Why is ching chang chong racist

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Patriots Wire. OSO version 0. University Press Scholarship Online. Sign in. Not registered? Sign up. Publications Pages Publications Pages. Recently viewed 0 Save Search. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. Find in Worldcat. Go to page:. A large number of people tagged British telecoms and broadcasting regulator Ofcom and ITV network demanding Morgan to be sacked; meanwhile others urged advertisers such as Microsoft, Asda and Smint to discontinue sponsoring Good Morning Britain.

Gauging the response on social media, it must be clear to Morgan now that people indeed are more infuriated by the latent racism of his juvenile mockery of the Chinese language, irrespective of their opinion on the British royal's milk commercial. Home China World World Europe. World Europe. World , Jan At one point Reid put her hand to her head in disbelief over Morgan's insolence.

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