What makes bacon unhealthy
This, of course, is not isolated, as it also depends on the lifestyle you are living as well. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine , the large amounts of grease and salt in bacon consumed regularly can cause issues for people with consistently high blood pressure. The study states that if you don't have blood pressure issues or a history of this in your family, and you eat a balanced diet and exercise, bacon on a regular basis might not have much of an effect, though.
So the big takeaways here? Bacon isn't all that bad for you, as long as you're eating it in smart ways and in moderation. This sinful dessert has more than a day's worth of calories and as much sugar as 10 fun-size Snickers! It's one of the most beloved breakfast foods around, but how does it actually affect your body? We break it down.
By Samantha Boesch. Read This Next. Diets high in processed meats have been linked to chronic health conditions including migraines, asthma , heart failure , kidney disease and several types of cancer. While the study was unable to determine exactly why this link exists, scientists suspect that nitrates and nitrites are at least partially to blame.
Chan School of Public Health. These products are often treated with celery juice or celery powder, he says, which naturally contain high levels of nitrates. Because of these potential risks, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends eating no more than 18 ounces of red meat per week. You might also consider substituting less fatty cuts of pork, like Canadian bacon.
But beware of bacon replacements. Turkey bacon, for example, is still processed and high in sodium. If you eat four to five slices of bacon, and who doesn't? Good news: Bacon could help cure hangovers. Yes, at least one study suggests a bacon sandwich may have the edge when it comes to helping you get through that hangover.
A study at the Newcastle University's Center for Life examined just why the bacon sandwich could be the perfect culinary treat to absorb all that alcohol. Researcher Elin Roberts says it's because of the mix of bread and the amino-acids found in bacon.
Bingeing on alcohol depletes brain neurotransmitters but bacon, which is rich in protein, contains amino acids that top these up and make you feel better. Bad news: Bacon, and other processed meats, may be associated with other unhealthy lifestyle choices.
A study published in the journal BMC that analyzed , men and women between the ages of 25 and 69 from different countries found out that those who ate more processed meat were linked to premature death due to cardiovascular disease or certain types of cancer.
The researchers argued that this was because those people were also more likely to indulge in bad lifestyle choices , like smoking, drinking alcohol in excess and not eating fruits or vegetables. Good news: The amounts of Vitamin B3 in bacon may help you live longer. In a study published in Nature Chemical Biology, researchers found out that the niacin Vitamin B3 in foods like sun-dried tomatoes, peanuts and yes, bacon, could help you live a longer life.
When the researchers fed roundworms a ton of niacin, they lived one-tenth longer than the worms who weren't fed any niacin. While we recommend getting your niacin from healthier food options, bacon does include substantial amounts of the vitamin. Bad news: Bacon could be linked to a lower sperm count. If you're a guy and trying to have a baby, you may want to hold off on the bacon for a little while.
HuffPost reported that researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed sperm samples from volunteers and compared them to the participants' food intakes. Those who ate a lot of processed meat -- including hamburgers, hotdogs and bacon -- were associated with lower sperm concentration and morphology.
Good news: A component in bacon could make babies' brains healthier. If you're a pregnant woman, giving in to your bacon cravings may not be all bad. A research study published by scientists at the University of North Carolina shows that the chemical choline helps fetuses develop regions of the brain linked to memory. Of course, choline is also present in much healthier foods, like yogurt or chicken, but the chemical is found in foods like eggs and pork.
Read more in our guide and find better options. About Us. Our Impact. How To Press Tofu. Shop now. Your headline. Image caption appears here. Add your deal, information or promotional text. Is Bacon Healthy? Previous Next. What is bacon made of? Bacon isn't merely a fresh cut of meat. Producers take pork belly or less fatty back cuts and cure it with an injection or soak it in brine, known as 'wet cure;' or with dry salt, a 'dry cure.
Bacon producers leave the cured meat to dry for a few weeks or months or smoke the meat. They may also boil the bacon. We can cut bacon from several parts of the pig, producing side bacon, back bacon, collar bacon, cottage bacon, or jowl bacon. Bacon Nutrition Value: Pros and Cons While we hear a lot about the downsides of consuming bacon, both pros and cons come with eating this processed meat.
Bacon Nutrition Facts First, let's take a look at the straight nutrition facts you'll find in the typical package of bacon on the shelf at the grocery store. Per serving, 3 regular slices Calories: Fat: 12g Saturated Fat: 4. The calories aren't exceptionally high, and the protein in bacon is quite substantial, at 12g in only 3 slices. The cholesterol in bacon is a little on the high side, but you'd have to eat 22 pieces to go over the USDA's daily recommended allowance for cholesterol.
Health Benefits of Bacon Here are a few of bacon's positive effects you can reap while eating it. High-Protein and Low-Carb Low-carb and Keto diets are the latest dietary craze that seems to be building some significant weight loss results. Potassium and B-Vitamins Bacon contains some essential micronutrients, including potassium, which supports bone health, heart health, muscle strength and prevents high blood pressure.